Thursday, March 10, 2011

Case of missing western show boots. possible way to fix the problem?

My black show boots have mysteriously disappeared, and while i do have some theories on where they are, i would rather focus on fixing the situation rather quickly as i have a show coming up. my show outfit consists of black show pants, a royal blue silver and black show top, black hat, and what are supposed to be black show boots. i was working the out gate and ribbon distribution of a local show today and noticed quite a few girls had similar outfits to mine but they instead had dark brown show boots. the judge didnt seem to mind, but the show im preparing for is larger scale than the one i was at today. i dont know if i should just buck up and wear my dark brown boots, or if i should dye my dear Ariat Fatbaby boots. My mom was talking about getting some black shoe polish on them to darken them up, but my fear is that the black won't come off. I love the color of my Ariats as they are. Do you guys have any suggestions as to how i could color them to appear darker. i dont think the judge will care, but it will bother me personally if i have black show pants and brown boots. i know its a small detail but i cant get a whole new outfit to coordinate with my brown boots and i cant buy a new pair of show boots either. any suggestions will be greatly appreciated and i will probably try anything right now!!!!

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